Lackawanna City Council Meeting Schedule for 2025
City Council meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 714 Ridge Road at 7:00 PM. There is opportunity for the public to address the City Council on matters of public interest during this portion of the City Council Meetings. Each regular Council Meeting is preceded by a 30 minute work session and is open for the public to observe. Additional City Council Meetings and/or public hearings may be scheduled at other times or locations upon proper public notice.
Public notices pertaining to City Council Meetings are published in the Lackawanna Front Page and are also posted on the bulletin board in the Lobby of City Hall. Further information regarding meetings can be obtained by calling the City Clerk’s Office at 716-827-6660
Monday, January 6 (Re-org. Meeting)
Tuesday, January 21 (MLK)
Monday, February 3
Tuesday, February 18 (President’s Day)
Monday, March 3
Tuesday, March 18
Monday, April 7
Monday, April 21 (day after Easter)
Monday, May 5
Monday, May 19
Monday, June 9
Monday, June 23
Monday, July 14
Monday, August 11
Monday, September 8 (Labor Day, 9/11)
Monday, September 22 (NYCOM Week 15-19th)
Monday, October 6
Monday, October 20
Monday, November 3
Monday, November 17
Monday, December 1
Monday, December 15
City of Lackawanna
Biography of Elected Officials
Mr. Marrano was elected as Lackawanna City Council President for a four-year term beginning January 1, 2020. Previously, Mr. Marrano served for 32 years as Lackawanna City Court Judge, where he spearheaded creation of the city’s Drug Court; which offers compassionate education and rehabilitation opportunities to those convicted of drug-related offenses, especially offenders of young/impressionable ages. At the time of its founding, the Lackawanna Drug Court was the third of its kind in New York State and served as a model for future drug courts in the state.
Prior to becoming city court judge, Mr. Marrano served as Lackawanna City Prosecutor and Assistant City Attorney. He is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo and a member of the Erie County, New York State, and American Bar Associations, the Galanti Athletic Association social club and Access of WNY and Men in Action community organizations.
As City Council President, Mr. Marrano plays a key role in the current city administration’s strategy for growing Lackawanna’s business base, which included passing unified city tax legislation in 2020 which has since served as a catalyst for new economic development in the city. Mr. Marrano is also a strong supporter of providing greater recreational opportunities for Lackawanna residents of all ages.
Ms. Muflahi was elected to the Lackawanna City Council representing the First Ward for a four-year term effective January 1, 2022. She is the first female Yemenite council member in the city’s history.
Ms. Muflahi is an 11-year employee of Erie County government; since 2017 as a paralegal in the Department of Social Services and previously an employee in the Department of Motor Vehicles. The youngest of 10 children, Ms. Muflahi is a graduate the University at Buffalo, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences with a major in legal studies, and Erie Community College, where she earned an associate’s degree in paralegal/general studies.
Ms. Muflahi has a long community service history including; a founding board member of Access of WNY, AmeriCorp volunteer, English as a second language (ESL) tutor for migrant women, Buffalo Public School System tutor for refugee students, and Habitat for Humanity volunteer.
This is Ms. Muflahi’s first public office. Her priorities include inspiring unity and collaboration between the diverse constituents of her ward, advocating for additional community resources and helping to continue the positive change underway in Lackawanna, including redevelopment of industrial land related to the former Bethlehem Steel Corporation, where her father was employed for over 30 years.
Mr. Anderson was elected to the Lackawanna City Council representing the city’s Second Ward for a four-year term effective January 1, 2022.
A lifelong Lackawanna resident, Mr. Anderson is a retiree of Erie Community College where he served for 22 years in the Building & Grounds Department. During his employment with ECC, Mr. Anderson was an employee union representative for 20 years, 10 of those in an officer capacity as Sergeant-at-Arms. He also worked part-time for the City of Lackawanna Recreation Department in various capacities for over 45 years, most recently at the city’s senior center. He is also a member of the Galanti Athletic Association social club.
This is Mr. Anderson’s first public office. He was motivated to run for city council because he wants to help continue and build upon the positive change underway in Lackawanna. Mr. Anderson plans to leverage his two decades of union experiences to improve two-way dialogue with residents and encourage their more active participation in ward and city matters.
Mr. Moretti was re-elected to the Lackawanna City Council representing the city’s Third Ward for a four-year term effective January 1, 2022. He was first elected to the city council to fill an unexpired term representing the Third Ward in 2019.
A lifelong Lackawanna resident, Mr. Moretti is a retiree of the Lackawanna Fire Department where he served for 21 years. He was also a small business owner in Lackawanna for 25 years. Mr. Moretti is a decorated Army veteran, having served his country honorably during the Vietnam War era.
Over the next four years, Mr. Moretti plans to continue his practice of being available, accessible and approachable to residents of his ward and throughout Lackawanna. Mr. Moretti also plans to continue supporting the current city administration’s strategy for growing Lackawanna’s business base. He was instrumental in passing unified city tax legislation in 2020, which has since served as a catalyst for new economic development in the city and is a strong advocate of projects designed to increase the visibility and viability of Lackawanna’s many small businesses.
Mr. Surdyke has served on the Lackawanna City Council representing the city’s Fourth Ward since 2017 when he was selected to fill an unexpired term. He was elected to a full four-year term effective January 1, 2020. Since 1984 Mr. Surdyke has also served as a Lackawanna Democratic Committeeman, making him the committee’s longest active member.
A lifelong Lackawanna resident, Mr. Surdyke is a retiree of the Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority, where he served 22 years as Clerk of the Works overseeing and inspecting projects performed by outside contractors. Prior to joining the LMHA, Mr. Surdyke worked for 20 years in quality control/operations with Fisher-Price Toys. He is a graduate of Erie Community College, where he earned an associate’s degree in telecommunications and also studied material science/metallurgy.
Mr. Surdyke is a 50-year member of Father Baker Knights of Columbus, where he was a Grand Knight from 1996-98. He is also a long-time member of the Lackawanna Patriot’s Club, a local social/civic/athletic organization.
During his city council tenure, Mr. Surdyke has strongly advocated for delivering cost-effective public safety, public works and recreation services to residents of the Fourth Ward and city-wide, as well as new economic development projects which are in the best interests of Lackawanna residents.